Saturday, July 18, 2009

Fear of Public Speaking:


Speaking in public is easily one of the most common fears facing Americans. Now, a little bit of anxiety before getting up in front of an audience is quite natural (some estimates say that as much as 75 percent of the population does not like speaking in public), but a significant portion of us (estimates say around 30 percent), have a real, sometimes debilitating fear of public speaking.
If you experience feelings of dread, uncontrollable anxiety, or fear, or if you sweat heavily, have trouble breathing, shake, or cannot sleep whenever you have to give a public speech, you may be in this latter category.

Why We Fear Speaking in Public

Why is it that public speaking -- something that most all of us have to do regularly, or at least from time to time -- invokes such feelings of terror in so many of us? Quite simply, because it means being vulnerable.

Public speaking is akin to opening your heart and soul to a roomful (or more) of people. True, you’re not about to share you innermost secrets and desires, but it doesn’t matter. You are about to put yourself on the line, share ideas, information and opinions, and there’s a chance that those you’re speaking to may not approve.

Perhaps they will disagree, laugh when they’re not supposed to, or be utterly bored. Perhaps your job and reputation are at stake. Clearly, these are not easy things to open yourself up to.

Meanwhile, in those with a true phobia, you are not only dealing with the feelings of vulnerability, but also the physical manifestations of them, such as a trembling voice, your face turning red, shortness of breath, butterflies in your stomach, and on and on. It’s enough to make even the most successful want to turn and head for the hills.

Of course, while most of us do not have the option of turning back, there is good news. Whether it be a weekly presentation to your clients, leading your neighborhood book club or giving a speech at your best friend’s wedding, you don’t have to miss another opportunity because of this fear.

Key Tactics to Overcome a Fear of Public Speaking

Being able to express your ideas effectively is vital to your personal success and happiness, and everyone can learn to be a confident speaker -- even if you currently loathe the thought of public speaking.

How? By letting the fear go. This simple premise is the foundation of The Sedona Method, a scientifically proven tool that can show you how to let go of all forms of fear, including the fear of public speaking.

Underlying your public speaking fear are negative emotions, thoughts and behaviors. Perhaps you are worried that if the presentation doesn’t go well, you could lose your job, feel humiliated, or fall behind your colleagues, for instance. But imagine how differently you would perceive public speaking if you had absolutely nothing to worry about.

The Sedona Method is a do-it-yourself system that will show you how to get to this worry-free place, and provide immediate relief whenever you get up in front of a group; instead of fear, you will feel a solid sense of confidence.

Further, the following seven tips can be used along with The Sedona Method to ensure your next public speech is easy, pleasant and stress-free:

Take deep breaths before, during and after your speech.

Find someone in the audience who is smiling and focus on them (not those who look crabby or bored).

Use personal stories and be yourself (it’s more interesting for the audience and for you).

Remember that most people in the audience want you to succeed.

Let your passion about the topic show through.

If someone asks an out-there question, stay in control by focusing your response on the points you want to convey.

Come prepared. Know your topic thoroughly and use visual aids to help you remember what points come next.

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